Ebony has 4 years’ experience working with Eating Disorders, Gut Health and Plant Based Diets. Prior to her dietetic studies she also trained as a pastry chef. She brings with her an unbridled passion for food and a wide range of tools to support recovery and health, and takes a pragmatic approach to current best practice guidelines.
She specialises in a wide range of Eating Disorders including Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED, Binge-Eating Disorder and Disordered Eating, and has a keen interest in the complex relationship between both Disordered Eating the gut, and as an ethical vegan herself, the way vegan and vegetarian diets influence recovery.
Trained in the Low FODMAP approach, CBT-E, FBT, motivational interviewing, and the Non-Diet approach to eating, Ebony can provide the appropriate solutions for every client.
Ebony is a proud member of the Association of Size Diversity and Health and practices from a Health at Every Size lens, meaning her work centers around empowering positive relationships with food and body in people of all body sizes which ultimately aims to promote a flexible and pleasurable way of eating which meets nutritional needs without being burdensome.
Ebony’s area of interest in Non-Diet health management stems from the research that weight loss diets are ineffective - statistics show that 95% of people who lose weight through dieting regain an average of 118% within 3 years. Recognising the ineffectiveness of traditional diets, Ebony is passionate about working with clients on making healthy behavioral change that involves connecting to and responding to internal body cues as a sustainable approach to health.
Areas of expertise:
• Eating Disorders
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Autism Spectrum Disorders
• Food Chemical Intolerance
• Adolescent Nutrition
• Vegan and Vegetarian Diets across the lifespan
• Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome